Eure Inox
Address: Via L.Da Vinci 2/4, 20068, Peschiera Borromeo, Italy
Contact Details
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Drawing company specialized in stainless steel wire and bars.
Company Profile
Eure Inox represents the realization of a dream. Although it was only founded in 1997, it boasts thirty years of experience in the sector of stainless steel long bars , permitting it to acquire an important role in the market over the last few years.
Compared to its humble beginnings, with its small staff and plant, Eureinox currently utilizes approximately 41.000 sqm of general surface, 18.000 sqm of which as covered space for production and warehousing and It has a staff of about 45 employees.
Customer service and expertise in the manufacturing processes of a wide range of products constitute the key strength of the company and, at the same time, ensure achievement of the corporate objectives.
Not to be forgotten
Eure Inox built a modern laboratory, specific for tensile tests and chemical analysis of stainless steel materials, with last generation instruments through which we keep checking the quality of the material, starting from the incoming material from our suppliers. This equipment allows us to measure the parameters of process during every step of processing, checking every specificity for each product.