Killich s.r.o.
Address: Americka 215, 460 10, Liberec 9, Czech Republic
Contact Details
- Sales contact
- Sales Name
- Purchasing Contact
- Purchasing Name
- Import/export of standard fasteners and special parts on drawing
- Delivery just in time of screws, washers, nuts, anchoring systems, riveting techniques
- Individual and fast service through sales representants
- Fast reaction to customer demand
- Quality, price, reliability, service and individual approach
Company Profile
14 000 customers from Australia, Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Czech republic, Denmark, Egypt, Finland, Germany, Great Britain, Hungary, Ireland, Israel, Netherlands, New Zeland, Poland, Singapore, Slovakia, Switzerland and others. Automotive industry, chemical and energy industry, building industry, heavy industry, electro and other markets.
Not to be forgotten
Certified suppliers from Asia and Europe
ISO 9001, 14001