EWG Edelstahlschraubenfabrik Winterberg GmbH
Address: Dieselstr. 28, 42389, Wuppertal, Germany
ISO 9001:2008
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TÜV-certified manufacturer in compliance with AD-Merkblatt WO/TRD100, DIN EN ISO 9002. Quality assurance Certificate following the norm 97/23/EG. We stand for highest quality, customer satisfaction and short-term delivery. Stud screws (DIN 938, DIN 939, DIN 835, DIN 940), threaded elements, threaded bolts (DIN 976A und B), threaded pins (DIN 976-1), headless screws (DIN 551, DIN 553, DIN 427, DIN 417), tie bars, drop-in anchors, weld pins and butt welding ends, inches and fine pitch threads (UNC, Whitworth), special parts.