LISI Aerospace
Address: Tour Gamma 193 rue de , Bercy, 75582, Paris, France
Contact Details
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Manufacturer of aerospace fasteners
Company Profile
The world market for aeronautical fasteners and assembly components is estimated at more than 2 billion euros. LISI AEROSPACE ranks third in the world with almost 15% of the market share, and is particularly favored by AIRBUS and European engine manufacturers. In the United States, LISI AEROSPACE has been active in structural fasteners for quite some time, and is currently consolidating its position with BOEING. As a result of its efforts over the past few years, LISI AEROSPACE has now become a partner with US equipment and engine manufacturers. In the niche fastener and assembly component market aimed at car racing - which shares many of the same materials and high-technology processes with aeronautics - LISI AEROSPACE has become the worldwide leader with the acquisition of the US company A-1.