OMZ - Officina Meccanica Zanotti
Address: Via A. Volta 17/19, 26013, Crema , Italy
Contact Details
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Manufacturer of precision machined fasteners
Company Profile
O.M.Z. Officina Meccanica Zanotti S.p.A. was founded in 1983 in the automatic turnery sector. The culture of continuous improvement, an avant-garde metrology lab and an advanced material management system are tangible elements of a culture deep rooted in years of experience in management and mastery. Recent years investments and those currently being realised ensure O.M.Z. remains a dynamic company in an increasingly demanding market. Having always invested heavily in education and quality assurance systems, we have, in a very short time, obtained both UNI EN ISO 9001-2000 and ISO TS 16949-2002 certificates, qualifying O.M.Z. as a CLASS "A" SUPPLIER for major Clients. O.M.Z. has always been committed to the care and complete satisfaction of its Clientele who have benefited from years of investment in machinery and tools, enhancing the total flexibility and professionalism we can offer. O.M.Z. is structured in an organization with defined roles and responsibilities, key elements for the management of the company and the product. The working policy of O.M.Z. is distinguished for its close rapport with Clients and the quality of products supplied. It is normal procedure to deal with Client requests suggesting the most appropriate technical solutions with favourable terms. O.M.Z.''s vast and up to the minute technical knowledge, the latest computer technology and the professionalism of our technicians and staff assure our customers of real-time solutions tailored to their needs.