Faster S.R.L.
Address: Via Cavour, 4, Sordio, LO, 26858, Italy
Contact Details
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Faster, established about 30 years ago, has been specialized in fasteners, starting from a production of cage nuts in any material, deep threaded U nuts, push on fixes, clips, etc..
Packaging KIT of fixings and small metal parts.
Company Profile
FASTER Srl has been established about 30 years ago as a supplier of blind rivets and standard fasteners. In the last years the company has experienced a significant growth thanks to the acquisition of new partners that have allowed FASTER to add a range of technological products such as cage nuts for square holes and for profiles, cage screws, deep threaded u-nuts, push-on-fixes, clips, etc.
Furthermore, thanks to the acquisition of the company Barna in 2016, our company has increased its production range of push on fixes for with and without cover.
Product range
Not to be forgotten
Our company produces all these items and has recently obtained the ISO 9001:2008 certification.