La Bulloneria Pesaro Srl
Premium Advertiser
Address: Via Dei Trasporti, Pesaro, PU, 61122, Italy
Contact Details
- Sales contact
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- Purchasing Contact
- Purchasing Name
Company leader in the commerce of nuts, bolts.
Range of more than 100.000 products such as screws, bolts, technical articles, industrial wheels, Tie rods for ropes and tools.
Company Profile
La Bullo neria Pesaro S.r.l. was born in the 80''s and has gained experience in the field of nuts and bolts providing high quality services and products to its customers, leaders in their sectors. Today La Bulloneria Pesaro S.r.l. is a benchmark of its sector thanks to its seriousness and professionalism.
Branch offices:
Via Ponte Felice, 3/a Tel. 071 948815 -Fax 071 7496740 60037 Monte San Vito (Ancona)
Via Tortona, 140 Tel. 0547.415760 - Fax 0547.415761 47020 Pievesestina di Cesena ( FC )
Product range
Not to be forgotten
The Management Quality System of La Bulloneria Pesaro S.r.l. follows the norm UNI EN ISO 9001:2015.