Kilton S.R.L.
Premium Advertiser
Address: Via Sardegna, 64, Fizzonasco Di Pieve Emanuele, MI, 20072, Italy
Contact Details
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Company specialized in the production of fasteners and fixings for industrial applications in the following fields: automotive, home appliances, mechanical, components, building industry.
Leader in the manufacturing of special fasteners.
Company Profile
Kilton was born during the 1970s and suddenly attracted the customers'' attention as a leader in the manufacturing of special fasteners. It is nowadays one of the most important reality in the field of fasteners and fixings for industrial applications in the following fields:
- automotive
- home appliances
- mechanical
- components
- building industry
- furniture industry
- carpentry
- drywall
- windows/doors
- hardware
- roofing
- pot manufacturing.
In order to satisfy the needs of the most demanding customers, Kilton has adopted management methods able to guarantee reliability, efficiency and quality.
The strength of the company and the acquisition of important customers, both in Italy and abroad, have enabled the us to become a clear and effective benchmark in our sector, and to obtain the highest standards in design and manufacturing according to Italian and international norms.
Product range
Not to be forgotten
On our website www.kilton.it you can download the technical spreadsheets and the certifications of our products. It''s also possible to check the availability of each single product.