S.I.V.E.M. S.N.C.
Address: Via Milite Ignoto 13/1, Busalla, Genova, 16012, Italy
Contact Details
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Company specialized in the production of special cold-formed parts and brass fasteners.
The range goes from the diameter 2 mm to 10-12 mm for a length from 2 to 100 mm.
Company Profile
SIVEM was born in 1963 in Busalla (Genoa) further to a twenty-year experience in the screw sector, specialised in standard brass screws. After lots of progresses, in 1997 our company set up with a new production under good guidance of BISIO’ s family.
The technical and commercial growth of our company and the development of the screws sector, with regard to the production of special cold forming screws, stampings and turned items, make S.I.V.E.M. a productive and flexible reality able to satisfy its customer requirements in a short time, maintaining a competitive commercial setting out .
Product range
Not to be forgotten
We can also supply products with thermal and superficial treatments carried out from trustworthy certified companies.