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Adresse: Via Enrico Fermi, 11, Besana Brianza, MB, 20842, Italy

Zertifizierungen: ISO 9001:2015


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Production of special items following the customer drawing: special screws, rivets, half bored rivets, pins, spacers and sleeves.

Materials: iron, stainless steel, copper, brass, aluminium with heat and galvanic treatments.


It was Mr. Ermanno Corbetta who made possible the birth of CORBETTA ERMANNO S.R.L. in 1969, after working in two different companies producing screws in Lombardy, where he learnt the profession and then decided to open its own business.

Thanks to the professionalism and enthusiasm in the work the business rapidly grown, including fasteners as well. With the increase of the turnover the company needed to move in a more suitable facility, so in 1973 the company has moved in a big building in Besana Brianza.

From this new facility the company Corbetta, despite some management changes, has always developed the business thanks to the foresight of its founder and to its sons, Mauro and Fabio, who have joined the company more than twenty years ago. 

CORBETTA & C SNC: external view
Forging department
Threading department
Control instrument office


Nicht zu vergessen

The company produces items for orders that can vary from 20.000 to several million pieces and 50% of the turnover is represented by the export to Germany, Austria, Netherlands, France, Belgium, Spain, Tunisia, Libya and even Australia.

The icing on the cake is the ISO 9001 quality certification of 2011 which has just been updated with the achievement of ISO 9001:2015 certification.
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