Verbindungselemente aus A307 und A193
#10831 | IRLAND | 11/06/2018
Hex head bolt A307 grade b zinc plated and heavy nut and washer 5/8 x 3 1/2 Qty 600
Hex head bolt A193 B7 ZN plated F1941 yellow Conversion 5/8 x 3 1/4 with heavy A194 grade 2H Nut and 2 washers QTy 600
Hex head bolt A193 B7 ZN plated F1941 yellow Conversion 5/8 x 3 1/2 with heavy A194 grade 2H Nut and 2 washers qty 600
Hex head bolt A193 B7 ZN plated F1941 yellow Conversion 5/8 x 2 1/2 with heavy A194 grade 2H Nut and 2 washers qty 600
Hex head bolt A307 grade b zinc plated and heavy nut and washer 5/8 x 3 1/4 qty 600
Hex head bolt A307 grade b zinc plated and heavy nut and washer 3/4 x 4 QTY 600
Hex head bolt A307 grade b zinc plated and heavy nut and washer 5/8 x 3 QTY 600
Hex head bolt A193 B7 ZN plated F1941 yellow Conversion 5/8 x 3 1/4 with heavy A194 grade 2H Nut and 2 washers QTy 600
Hex head bolt A193 B7 ZN plated F1941 yellow Conversion 5/8 x 3 1/2 with heavy A194 grade 2H Nut and 2 washers qty 600
Hex head bolt A193 B7 ZN plated F1941 yellow Conversion 5/8 x 2 1/2 with heavy A194 grade 2H Nut and 2 washers qty 600
Hex head bolt A307 grade b zinc plated and heavy nut and washer 5/8 x 3 1/4 qty 600
Hex head bolt A307 grade b zinc plated and heavy nut and washer 3/4 x 4 QTY 600
Hex head bolt A307 grade b zinc plated and heavy nut and washer 5/8 x 3 QTY 600